Community Game Development Project Internship Opportunity

Mobile Apps (Published)

Guitar Apprentice for iOS -- Learn to play the guitar without a teacher, and without lessons. This series can take you through learning your basic chords all the way to contructing shredding guitar solos. All styles of music are welcome as you are taught to play the instrument, not a genre of music. Save the money on lessons for your next guitar.

Mobile Apps (In Progress)

Below is a list of projects currently under development. Please use the form at the bottom if you would like to join the development team.

LabX - Application to assist with text messaging.
ColorsX - Application to help those with color-coordination problems.
Guitar Journeyman - an advanced version of Guitar Apprentice with additional features.
Guitar Master - an advanced version of Guitar Journeyman with even more features intended to help make you a guitar master.

Join a Project

If you would like to join one of our projects, please use our Contact page and in the comments box take a moment to tell us about yourself and why you'd like to join our project(s).

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